Marrickville High School

Aspire Connect Thrive

Telephone02 9569 2444

Marrickville Intensive English Centre

Marrickville Intensive English Centre is conveniently located on the Marrickville High School campus students will experience:

  • In class support by trained ESL teachers
  • Targeted tutoring for ESL students
  • Translators for Vietnamese and Mandarin speakers
  • Homework tutorial centre with university student volunteers
  • Dedicated inclass support team for International Students 
  • State of the art facilities including: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Interactive whiteboards and video conferencing, Commercial kitchens, drama and music rooms with digital composition MIDI suites. 
  • Specialty programs with University of NSW and Sydney University
  • STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) programs

What is an Intensive English Centre?

The Marrickville Intensive English Centre (MIEC) is a specialist unit that caters for newly arrived high school age migrants. There are 14 Intensive English Centres (IECs) located across Sydney and Wollongong.

Students attending MIEC come from many countries, including Brazil, China, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, Russia, Sierra Leone, South Korea, Sudan, Thailand, Ukraine and Vietnam. They attend the IEC for 3 to 5 terms to learn the English language in preparation for enrolment at high school.


In the IEC there are 3 levels of classes: Level 1 - Beginner, Level 2 - Intermediate and Level 3 - High School Preparation. Each class has a maximum of 18 students. In various classes students are divided into junior and senior classes so that, in addition to learning English, they can study material suitable for their age group at high school and use authentic texts.


Students learn English language through a variety of subjects from a range of Key Learning Areas, including Computing Studies, English, HSIE, Maths, Music, Numeracy, PD/Health/PE, Science and Visual Art.

In addition to teaching English language, the IEC plays an important role in the orientation and settlement of new migrant students and their families. Bilingual support is available through Teachers Aides (Ethnic) who work in the IEC.


The IEC uniform is similar to the high school uniform and the students share facilities, including playground space, library, computers and canteen. MIEC students also participate in key school events including the swimming and athletics carnivals, Multicultural Day and special assemblies for occasions such as ANZAC Day.

Find out more about Marrickville Intensive English Centre by visiting our website