Marrickville High School

Aspire Connect Thrive

Telephone02 9569 2444

Careers education

Careers Adviser

Ms Lisa Shineberg (Mon-Thur)

Ms Andrea Ponnock (Fri)

Careers Education

The Careers Education Program at Marrickville High School aims to provide a meaningful educational experience, catering for individual differences and relevant to the needs and aspirations of the students and community. It develops self-awareness, occupational awareness and decision-making skills of students by providing learning opportunities about school and post-school education, training and employment options. Students will also develop work related skills to prepare for a smooth transition from school to the world of work through various learning experiences, including:

  • Vocational Education Work Placement
  • School to Work Program
  • University and TAFE partnerships
  • Careers and employment expos
  • Industry representative speakers
  • Subject selection assistance
  • Career Counselling

Our school offers a variety of Vocational and Education (VET) courses through local TAFE Colleges. Not only do VET courses give students the opportunity to develop industry specific skills that are recognised nationally through the Australian Qualifications Framework, but they also give students a pathway to careers and industries before they leave school.

School Based traineeship and apprenticeships provide students with the opportunity to gain a nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification as well as their HSC and gain valuable work skills and experience through paid employment. For more information visit Trade Schools + SBAT in NSW

Careers Links

Building micro-credentials at Black Market Roasters Marrickville

Enterprise in the Community Workshop - pitching business ideas