Marrickville High School

Aspire Connect Thrive

Telephone02 9569 2444

Learning Support

Head Teacher Mr Cameron Sutton
Teaching Staff Ms Cate Lloyd

The Learning Support Team

  • Identifies the school's priorities for provision of services to students with identified/ additional needs
  • Develops Individual Education Plans (funded students), Personal Learning Pathways (Indigenous students) and Learning Plans (students with additional learning needs) in collaboration with parents and carers.
  • Helps staff support students experiencing difficulties in learning
  • Monitors student outcomes
  • Reviews and updates student plans as necessary in collaboration with parents and carers
  • Works collaboratively with the school, Learning Support Networks, parents and carers
  • Works closely with individual students to help them achieve their targeted educational goals.  
  • Comprehension and Reading Enhancement (CARE) lessons daily to students identified as reading at two or more years below their age group.
  • Social skills classes
  • Travel training
  • Raz Kids (online reading program)


Individual Education Plans

These students have additional learning and support needs and are government funded. These students are given allocated in-class assistance from the school Student Learning Support Officers. A plan is developed with the student, parents/ carers and the Learning Support Team to select educational goals for the year and identify strategies to assist in working towards achieving these goals. The plans are communicated to all teachers and updated throughout the year as necessary in collaboration with the student, staff and parents. During Term 4, an annual review meeting takes place with all stakeholders to review the IEP.

Students with Learning Support Needs:

These students are identified either at the beginning of the year through testing, or throughout the year by class teachers. The school aims to work closely with  parents/carers to ensure these students make steady progress towards overcoming their difficulties. To do this they are required to set three learning goals and to liaise with the Learning and Support Teacher to identify strategies to achieve their selected goals. The Learning Support Team communicates these plans to all staff. The Student Learning and Support Officer assist the students to achieve their goals through in-class support.

During Term 4 of each year, these students attend a learning support review meeting to evaluate their learning goals.

Gifted and Talented students

These students are usually identified in Year 7 through start of year testing and the achievement of exceptional results in assessment tasks and examinations. MHS is working towards training staff to include differentiated learning in all teaching and learning programs. Differentiation includes enrichment and extension activities. Enrichment refers to the broadening of the curriculum, whereas extension refers to the deepening of knowledge, understanding and skills.

It is expected that students identified as Gifted and Talented will be provided with differentiated programming. Teachers have high expectations for each of these students, providing them with different avenues to acquiring content, processing and developing products. Flexible groupings within the class are based on the student's needs. Learning plans are developed each year in collaboration with parents / carers and are communicated to all teachers through the Learning Support Team. The plans are updated as necessary and during Term 4 a review meeting is held to evaluate the student's achievements through the year.   

Personal Learning Pathways

MHS is committed to working with each Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student in collaboration with parents/ carers to develop Personal Learning Pathways (PLP). PLP meetings are conducted annually to select three learning goals for the year and identify strategies to assist students in the achievement of these goals. The Learning and Support Teacher communicates these plans to all staff and updates them as necessary. In Term 4 of each year, a review meeting is held with the student and their parents/ carers to evaluate the level of success achieved for the identified goals.

The school employs Aboriginal Education tutors to assist all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in class through Norta Norta funding. This allows students the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and understanding of class content and receive additional support in order to reach their learning goals.