Marrickville High School

Aspire Connect Thrive

Telephone02 9569 2444

Sentral portal

Sentral Staff Portal

Click the above link to access:

  • Sentral Staff Portal

Sentral Student and Parent Portal link

Click the above link to access: 

  • Sentral student portal 
  • Sentral parent portal 


DoE Student Portal link 

Students use the above link to access:

  • School email
  • DoE web based applications eg. Office 365 and Google Docs

Click on the top right hand corner of the home page to 'Log in' and scroll down to 'Student Portal' to continue logging in.

Sentral Parent Portal Access Form

Click the link above to download the registration form for parents who have not set up access to the parent portal. 


Sentral Parent Portal Initial Registration 

Click on the above link to create your Sentral Parent Portal Account.

(Note: families will need a parent portal key sent to you from the school to activate your portal, and to link your child to your account). 

Video tutorials on how to set up the Parent Portal and App

For comprehensive video tutorials on how to register for the Sentral Parent Portal please watch the videos below. 

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