Marrickville High School

Aspire Connect Thrive

Telephone02 9569 2444

“Drama is an artform with a discrete body of knowledge including conventions, history, skills and methods of working. It is an integral aspect of our society and is taught in school curricula worldwide. Drama fosters an understanding of continuity and change, and of the connections between different times and cultures. It provides opportunities to explore social, cultural, ethical and spiritual beliefs, including the diverse values of Australian culture. Drama encourages a cooperative approach to exploring the world through enactment. The collaborative nature of this artform engages students in a creative process of sharing, developing and expressing emotions and ideas. It is a form of action in which students take on a role as a means of exploring both familiar and unfamiliar aspects of their world. They portray aspects of human experience while exploring the ways people react and respond to different situations, issues and ideas.”

Drama Years 7-10 Syllabus, 2003

At Marrickville High School, all students study Drama in Year 7 and 8. They are introduced to dramatic forms and styles such as puppetry, melodrama, improvisation and comedy. They engage in two whole-cohort projects across their two years studying Drama – a Theatresports Competition in Year 7, and a MarrickFest Film Festival in Year 8.

Students can select Drama as an elective in Years 9 and 10. In these years, students continue to develop their skills in performance and critical analysis through a series of case studies and performance opportunities, including the study of scripted drama, Ancient Greek Theatre, physical theatre, and realism. The Year 10 Drama course culminates in the performance of a full-length play in a professional theatre space.

Drama is available for all students to study in Years 11 and 12. The HSC course comprises of studies in:

•             Australian Drama and Theatre 

•             Studies in Drama and Theatre

•             The Group Performance

•             The Individual Project (Major Work).

All classes and rehearsals take place in our Drama Studio and Dance Studio spaces, which are equipped with lighting bars, stage curtains and AV equipment.

A range of extracurricular programs in Drama are also offered by the school.