Information & Communication Technologies (ICT)
ICT skills are taught across the curriculum in each subject area. In addition to this, all students receive specialist ICT lessons each week in Years 7 and 8. For these lessons smaller-sized classes are created so that each student can receive hands-on experience and individual attention.
The objectives of the ICT classes are to develop in students:
- keyboarding skills
- effective research skills
- a knowledge and understanding of a range of computer software and hardware
- problem-solving and critical thinking skills in order to design and develop creative ICT solutions for a variety of real-world problems
- responsible and ethical attitudes related to the use of information and communication technologies
- effective communication skills and collaborative work practices
Basic course content includes:
- Hardware
- Software
- Data handling
- People
- Issues
- Past, current and emerging technologies
- Project work
This content is presented in a variety of modules drawn from the following areas:
- Productivity skills: keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, PowerPoint
- Research skills: effective and ethical use of the Internet
- Digital media: desktop publishing, graphical design, musical composition, animation, video production
- Authoring and multimedia
- Website development
- Software development and programming
- Database design
- Networking Systems