Marrickville High School

Aspire Connect Thrive

Telephone02 9569 2444


English - Years 7-12


Head Teacher Ms Stephanie Bendeich 
Teaching Staff

Ms Katie Bigham 

Ms Annie Foster (EAL/D)

Ms Sarah Haigh

Mr Nathan Richardson (EAL/D)

Mr James Somerville

The study of English is mandatory in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12. An understanding of the English language is central to how we communicate and essential for intellectual, social and emotional development.

The English K-10 Syllabus is built around the explicit teaching of contextual knowledge, comprehension, thinking and reflecting skills and processes. The teaching of English encourages a love of literature and develops students' knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating to empower them to become 'confident communicators, critical and imaginative thinkers, lifelong learners and informed, active participants in Australian society.' 

In Year 11 and 12, the study of English is mandatory. Courses offered may include: 

  • English Advanced 
  • English as an Alternative Language or Dialect (EAL/D) 
  • English Standard 
  • English Studies 
  • English Extension 1 
  • English Extension 2. 

Further information may be found at