Marrickville High School

Aspire Connect Thrive

Telephone02 9569 2444


Languages (Japanese)

Head Teacher Mr. Nathan Richardson (English/History) Rel.
Teaching Staff Ms. Michelle Stening (English/Languages)

In NSW high schools, languages is a key learning area.

Language study allows students to develop communication skills, learn about languages as systems and explore the relationship between language and culture. Students engage with the linguistic and cultural diversity of societies and reflect on their understanding of social interactions.

The study of a language is compulsory for 100 hours in one continuous school year from Year 7 to Year 10, but preferably in Years 7 or 8.

Students at Marrickville High School study Japanese in Year 8.  

The study of Japanese contributes to the overall education of students, particularly in the areas of literacy, communication skills, cross-cultural understanding and general knowledge. Students will focus on language as systems and gain insights into the language and culture of Japan, leading to lifelong personal, educational, and vocational benefits.


Elective Japanese (Stage Five)

In the 100-hour course of Japanese, students will learn grammar and vocabulary to enable them to communicate in a number of familiar settings and expand their knowledge of Japanese culture. Students will continue their study of hiragana, katakana and kanji.

This course leads directly into Stage 6 Japanese Language courses. Students who have studied up to 100 hours of Japanese are eligible for Japanese Beginners course while those who have between 100 – 200 hours of study are eligible only for the Japanese Continuers course.

Japanese (Stage Six) 

In Years 11 and 12, NSW schools offer a wide variety of languages, catering for beginning students to background speakers.