Marrickville High School Support Unit
The Support Faculty is underpinned by the principle of normalisation, which emphasises the rights of all students to access education in an environment, which is as normal as possible. The educational programs are relevant to students' needs and abilities and are age appropriate. They aim to encourage maximum student participation by modifying teaching strategies and materials.
The teaching programs prepare students for their present and future environments, including employment, independent living and community participation.
There are five Support classes as follows:
Please see the summary of the Support Classes for 2024.
(We try to keep classes as consistent as possible, however, the class makeup of year groups can change depending on student numbers each year).
SRBlue (Combination of Autism/Mild Intellectual Disability - Stage 4/5 Years 7-9)
The focus is on literacy and numeracy and individual students can be integrated into mainstream subjects where strengths or interests lie. Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, PD/H/PE, HSIE, LOTE, Visual Arts, Food Technology, Music, TAS and Grade Sport. Students also participate in Community Excursions once a fortnight on a Friday to develop their travel training skills and applying their money skills to real life situations. (All students access a life skills curriculum).
SRRed (Combination of Autism/Mild Intellectual Disability – Stage 4 & Stage 5 Years 7-9)
The focus is on literacy and numeracy and individual students can be integrated into mainstream subjects where strengths or interests lie. Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, PD/H/PE, HSIE, LOTE, Visual Arts, Food Technology, Music, TAS and Grade Sport. Students also participate in Community Excursions once a fortnight on a Friday to develop their travel training skills and applying their money skills to real life situations. (All students access a life skills curriculum).
SRYellow (Moderate Intellectual disability) Senior Class Years 9 - 12
The programs prepare students for the HSC and post school options (Transition to work, Community Participation and/or Open employment). It includes 1 day of work experience a week, a Community Access Day once a fortnight and a possibility (although not guaranteed) to access TAFE courses in the senior years. Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, PD/H/PE, HSIE, Creative Arts, Food Technology, Work and Community & TAFE options (All students access a life skills curriculum).
SRGreen (Moderate Intellectual disability) Junior Class Years 7 - 10
The programs are functional and relevant to students' needs and abilities. Focus on literacy and numeracy, IEP goals and the ability to access the community as independently as possible. Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, PDHPE, HSIE, LOTE, Visual Arts, Food Technology, Music, TAS & Community Participation - excursions are every Tuesday. (All students access a life skills curriculum).
SROrange (Combination of Autism/Mild Intellectual Disability – Stage 5/6 (Years 9 - 12)
The programs prepare students for the HSC and post school option (Transition to work, Community Participation and/or Open employment). It includes work experience and access to TAFE course (although not guaranteed) in their senior years. Subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, HSIE, PD/H/PE, Creative Arts, Food Technology, Work and Community & TAFE options (All students access a life skills curriculum).
Other school opportunities
- Support Unit camp /Grade Camps
- Grade Sport
- School carnivals (swimming, athletics, and cross country – possibility of regional & state competitions)
- Sporting teams
- Grade Sport
- Excursions
- Marrickville’s Got Talent (Student entries)
- CAPA Showcase from 2024
- Direct link with outside school agencies and programs for students with disabilities
- Drama, Chess, and Art Club (During or after school programs – if running
- Homework Centre (Monday afternoons)
- Rock Band and Choir (Students try out for this).
- Girls Club – Thursdays @ MYRC
- Community links with MYRC – Tuesday and Thursday rec afternoons / Wednesday girl’s rec afternoon.
This is a valuable resource in our school.
Students are able to acquire a sensory diet and exercise regime through our trained Occupational Therapist at a reasonable fee. This then allows our students to access the equipment in times of need.
If you require any further information please call or email Erica Edgley (Head Teacher Special Education/Inclusion) or phone on 9569 2444 or erica.prendergast@det.nsw.edu.au